Apex Overland Events Calendar - Fall 2023
Fall Event season is upon us. Here is a listing of events we are attending or supporting. Check back - we will add events or details such as booth numbers, etc.
Aug 31-Sept 3 (Labor Day Weekend) - ATR - Windrock Park, TN
Sept 8-10 - Adventure X Fest - Circleville, WV (registration closed)
Sept 29-Oct 1 - SFWDA Dixie Run - Windrock Park, TN
Oct 6-8: Overland Expo East - Arrington, VA - Visit us in the Apex Overland Booth, we will be featuring Total Chaos Fabrication & Blue Ridge Overland Gear - We are also partnering with Garmin again this year!
Oct 21-22: Roof Top Tent Rally - James River State Park, VA Oct 27-29: Uwharrie Adventure Summit - Troy, NC
Oct 28-29: 24 Hours of Uwharrie - Troy, NC
Toys for Tots - Toy Drive @ Apex Overland - details TBD